Number Of Possible Poker Hands

Number Of Possible Poker Hands 4,7/5 8222 votes

The total number of possible hands can be found by adding the above numbers in third column, for a total of 2,598,960. This means that if there are 52 cards, how many combinations of 5 cards. Any Hand - Total number of 3-card poker hands drawn from a 52 card standard deck. 52 C 3 = 22100 Straight Flush - There are 12 differently ranked straight flushes from A-2-3 up to Q-K-A in each of the 4 different suits. There are a total of 3,744 poker hands that can result in a full house. This can be calculated by multiplying the total number of card choices: Total No. Of Card Choices = 13 (choices for 3 same cards) x 12 (choices for 2 cards that are the same = 156.

  1. Number Of Possible Poker Hands
  2. Calculate The Number Of Possible Five-card Poker Hands

Brian Alspach

13 January 2000


The types of 3-card poker hands are

  • straight flush
  • 3-of-a-kind
  • straight
  • flush
  • a pair
  • high card

The total number of 3-card poker hands is .


A straight flush is completely determined once the smallest card in thestraight flush is known. There are 48 cards eligible to be the smallestcard in a straight flush. Hence, there are 48 straight flushes.

In forming a 3-of-a-kind hand, there are 13 choices for the rank and4 choices for the 3 cards of the given rank. This implies there are3-of-a-kind hands.

The ranks of the cards in a straight have the form x,x+1,x+2, wherex can be any of 12 ranks. There are then 4 choices for each card ofthe given ranks. This yields total choices. However,this count includes the straight flushes. Removing the 48 straightflushes leaves us with 720 straights.

To count the number of flushes, we obtain choicesfor 3 cards in the same suit. Of these, 12 are straight flushes whoseremoval leaves 274 flushes of a given suit. Multiplying by 4 produces1,096 flushes.

Now we count the number of hands with a pair. There are 13 choices forthe rank of the pair, and pairs of the chosen rank.The non-pair card can be any of the remaining 48. Thus, thereare 3-card hands with a single pair.

We could determine the number of high card hands by removing the handswhich have already been counted in one of the previous categories.Instead, let us count them independently and see if the numbers sumto 22,100 which will serve as a check on our arithmetic.

A high card hand has 3 distinct ranks, but does not allow ranks of theform x,x+1,x+2 as that would constitute a straight. Thus, there arepossible sets of ranks from which we remove the12 sets of the form .This leaves 274 sets of ranks.For a given set of ranks, there are 4 choices for each cardexcept we cannot choose all in the same suit. Hence, there are274(43-4) = 16,440 high card hands.

If we sum the preceding numbers, we obtain 22,100 and we can be confidentthe numbers are correct.

Here is a table summarizing the number of 3-card poker hands. Theprobability is the probability of having the hand dealt to you whendealt 3 cards.

Number Of Possible Poker Hands

straight flush48.0022
high card16,440.7439
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last updated 13 January 2000

Sanderson M. Smith

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In many forms of poker, one is dealt 5 cards from astandard deck of 52 cards. The number of different 5 -card pokerhands is

52C5 = 2,598,960
Number of possible 3 card poker hands

A wonderful exercise involves having students verify probabilitiesthat appear in books relating to gambling. For instance, inProbabilities in Everyday Life, by John D. McGervey, one findsmany interesting tables containing probabilities for poker and othergames of chance.

This article and the tables below assume the reader is familiarwith the names for various poker hands. In the NUMBER OF WAYS columnof TABLE 2 are the numbers as they appear on page 132 in McGervey'sbook. I have done computations to verify McGervey's figures. Thiscould be an excellent exercise for students who are studyingprobability.

There are 13 denominations (A,K,Q,J,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2) in thedeck. One can think of J as 11, Q as 12, and K as 13. Since an acecan be 'high' or 'low', it can be thought of as 14 or 1. With this inmind, there are 10 five-card sequences of consecutive dominations.These are displayed in TABLE 1.

A K Q J 10
K Q J 10 9
Q J 10 9 8
J 10 9 8 7
10 9 8 7 6
9 8 7 65
8 7 6 54
7 6 5 4 3
6 5 4 3 2
5 4 3 2 A

The following table displays computations to verify McGervey'snumbers. There are, of course , many other possible poker handcombinations. Those in the table are specifically listed inMcGervey's book. The computations I have indicated in the table doyield values that are in agreement with those that appear in thebook.


N = NUMBER OF WAYS listed by McGervey

Computations and comments
Probability of HAND
and approximate odds.

Straight flush


There are four suits (spades, hearts, diamond, clubs). Using TABLE 1,4(10) = 40.

1 in 64,974

Four of a kind


(13C1)(48C1) = 624.

Choose 1 of 13 denominations to get four cards and combine with 1 card from the remaining 48.

1 in 4,165

Full house


(13C1)(4C3)(12C1)(4C2) = 3,744.

Choose 1 denominaiton, pick 3 of 4 from it, choose a second denomination, pick 2 of 4 from it.

1 in 694



(4C1)(13C5) = 5,148.

Choose 1 suit, then choose 5 of the 13 cards in the suit. This figure includes all flushes. McGervey's figure does not include straight flushes (listed above). Note that 5,148 - 40 = 5,108.

1 in 509



(4C1)5(10) = 45(10) = 10,240

Using TABLE 1, there are 10 possible sequences. Each denomination card can be 1 of 4 in the denomination. This figure includes all straights. McGervey's figure does not include straight flushes (listed above). Note that 10,240 - 40 = 10,200.

1 in 255

Three of a kind


(13C1)(4C3)(48C2) = 58,656.

Choose 1 of 13 denominations, pick 3 of the four cards from it, then combine with 2 of the remaining 48 cards. This figure includes all full houses. McGervey's figure does not include full houses (listed above). Note that 54,912 - 3,744 = 54,912.

1 in 47

Exactly one pair, with the pair being aces.


(4C2)(48C1)(44C1)(40C1)/3! = 84,480.

Choose 2 of the four aces, pick 1 card from remaining 48 (and remove from consider other cards in that denomination), choose 1 card from remaining 44 (and remove other cards from that denomination), then chose 1 card from the remaining 40. The division by 3! = 6 is necessary to remove duplication in the choice of the last 3 cards. For instance, the process would allow for KQJ, but also KJQ, QKJ, QJK, JQK, and JKQ. These are the same sets of three cards, just chosen in a different order.

1 in 31

Two pairs, with the pairs being 3's and 2's.


McGervey's figure excludes a full house with 3's and 2's.

(4C2)(4C1)(44C1) = 1,584.

Choose 2 of the 4 threes, 2 of the 4 twos, and one card from the 44 cards that are not 2's or 3's.

1 in 1,641

'I must complain the cards are ill shuffled 'til Ihave a good hand.'

-Swift, Thoughts on Various Subjects

Calculate The Number Of Possible Five-card Poker Hands

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